Take CTRL Over Technology
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My strategy to overcome being a tool of my tools!
If I had a hi-fi… I did, did I? In words, drown I... // The biggest distraction from writing this blog.
2014 was the best year of my life. Much thanks to my new year's resolution to avoid propaganda
News media is nothing else than a Man-in-the-middle attack on everything common sense. Enough said.
This year my resolution is going further. Time to evaluate all things TECHNOLOGY and regain:
Used in the right way (BUSINESS), Social Media is the best thing since the marketplace.
Nothing can replace e-mail. // Google Wave was great...
Command line communication...
2015 Guidelines:
Troubleshooting Human Communications Cheat Sheet
Internet is like the ocean, data packets are floating everywhere. However fundamental security safety awareness is what make us install locks on our doors. To open an unknown file is the same as open the
door for a stranger in the middle of the night. To not set a password is to never lock the door.
Best privacy policy ever: Consider everything you share on internet can end up as public information.
— Mr. HAW ✪ (@hawproductions) December 15, 2013
How I handle computer security in 2015:
1. Don't do anything I don't want public
2. Adjust to the idea of people knowing my private details
— Kevin Lawler (@kevinlawler) June 18, 2015
2015 Guidelines:
2015 Guidelines:
2015 Guidelines: