Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
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Kori Rush @frogabog arranged a MODX meetup in Portland's second tallest skyscraper!
MODX Community is truly amazing! I @hawproductions have said it before; nothing beats Open Source! It brings people together to collaborate on a shared interest, who else might never had spoken to each other.
Our diversities unites and empower us with more creative ideas and approaches to shared problems and challenges.
Me and my wife moved to Vancouver, WA from Sweden in August of 2014. Freelancing have played an enormous part in my journey here. And for me freelancing is all about MODX CMS.
Since I discovered MODX in 2008 and started participate in forums, code and discussions I also started getting paid to troubleshoot and fix broken MODX web sites globally. While residing in Sweden I could travel to USA and be sitting at Starbucks working on a web site for the Australian Government! :)
My passion for MODX is a passion for web design! Ryan Thrash @rthrash Founder of MODX coined the phrase “Creative Freedom”. MODX is profoundly different than all other Content Management Systems (CMS) and web publishing software: MODX lets web designers use their own code, preferred tools and libraries.
It means that when you hire a MODX developer, you are hiring somebody who operates without restrictions and limits to what can be accomplished! This is NOT the case with other systems. Working with systems like WordPress involves a huge amount of workarounds and hacking: “Creative Prison!”
I believe that in order to succeed online one has to succeed offline. Freelancing can be very lonely and 140 character messages aren't really that social. So I wanted to find local friends in my field of work. I contacted @frogabog - She is amazing and I'm forever grateful to her for making our meetup possible! :)
On October the 6th a small group of MODX enthusiasts and interested newcomers meet in Portland. Here is a recap (and expansion) of the topics we discussed:
#MODX = Highest Web Security Standards. Awesome slides by @mark_hamstra @PHPFRL
— Mr. HAW ✪ (@hawproductions) July 22, 2015
#modx blog install with theme and content in under 10 minutes. Thanks to @theboxer - -
— Wayne Roddy (@dubROD) August 6, 2015
#Xubuntu sudo apt-get install lynx #hawproductions
— Mr. HAW ✪ (@hawproductions) July 29, 2014
<meta property="og:image" content="[[!++site_url]][[++assets_url]]img/social.jpg" />We can create a Template Variable "blogImage" to override our default picture when it's being set and used by our Client or Content Publisher:
<meta property="og:image" content="[[!++site_url]][[++assets_url]][[*blogImage:isnot=``:then=`[[*blogImage]]`:else=`img/social.jpg`]]" />
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» @lapubell demonstrated all the key parts to understand and appreciate MODX » @frogabog @modx #MODX
— Mr. HAW ✪ (@hawproductions) October 23, 2015